Mar 14, 2009

PhotoHunt - Four

Spring is in the air and sun is shining.
Same place on 2 different days,
wonder if they're the same birds or not?


Ron a.k.a. Danudin said...

Really observant and what a grand idea, I would reward them with a feed just on the off chance.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

A grand idea for the week's!

Have a great weekend!

kayerj said...

four flighty friends,
sparrows make a lovely song.
nice picture.

annalarssonphotography said...

Underbara foton för temat fyra!
Det ser iaf ut att vara samma fåglar :)

Hoppas du får en fin lördag vännen!
Kramar från mig

Hootin Anni said...

I love these...the feathered friends of four!!!!

Mine is posted. Four of nature's candelabras....come on over to view!
Happy weekend wishes to you and yours.

EG CameraGirl said...

Yes, spring IS in the air. YAY!

My Photo Hunter post is at
East Gwillimbury Wow

The Queen Bee said...

nice photo. mine's at


belle photo de quatre

Bengbeng said...

lovely nature shots

ABW said...

Great shot!

Mine's up and is my 4 favorite people reunited!

June said...

Won't be long now for all you northerners :-)

Anonymous said...

They are even in almost the same position.

KJ said...

Cool shots, I wonder if they are the same birds.

Mojo said...

We can pretend they're the same birds... who would know different?

Cool idea for the shot (I did something similar in my That's My World this week, so naturally I'd think so!). It's neat to see how different a place can look only days apart. Sometimes even hours apart!

Looks like you paid your models well too!

The Social Frog said...

I love seeing birds & listening to them :)

ancient one said...

Great shot... four birds at once...

Chesney said...

I always wonder that as well! Great capture and great thought!

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Very cool! They do look like the same birds, don't they?

I moved my Photo Hunters to my new photo blog. Please visit if you can!

Have a great weekend!

Leslie said...

Beautiful photo for this week! :)

Daisy said...

Looking at those birdies made my teeth chatter a little bit! But do not worry, I would not hurt them.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful photo for this week's hunt!
Thank you for visiting my "hunt" as well:) Your visit is appreciated.

YTSL said...

The birds look slightly different but it could be a case of winter vs warmer coating.

jam said...

Wow! Looks like spring is really near. Nice take!