Apr 24, 2009

PhotoHunt - Protection

It's important to think about protection when working in different conditions.
Also noice can be too muchAnd this is all together different kind of protection
but it has noice involved in it too.


Anonymous said...

ha! Great one. Always protect the ears!!! From cold and noise...

Ron a.k.a. Danudin said...

You nailed the theme, well.

Chesney said...

Another great image for the theme, definitely need those!!

Claudia said...

Save your hearing...it goes fast enough!

Anonymous said...

I wish my dh had done more to protect his hearing.

Mudhooks said...

As someone who is partially deaf in one ear, I know the value of hearing protection. Mine was from an ear infection but it is sensitive to certain sounds and I have Tinnitus. I wish kids had to listen to what I have to listen 24/7 for a while. Perhaps they would turn their music down if they knew what they are likely going to have to hear for the rest of their lives if they don't.


srp said...

After pushing a lawn mower for an hour I still feel the vibration for another hour. That combined with the noise is more than one can take.... hats off to the lawn services!
Mine is up here.

Becky said...

Ear protection is a great choice. I saw some workers who should have been wearing those today.

Mine is posted here.

Anonymous said...

Great choice of pictures for this week's PH theme. Nice:)

Posted one of my own as well.

Cindy O

Mariposa said...

Hey, we most of the time neglect our sense of hearing yet it's quite hard to restore it back once we lost it!

Happy weekend!

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Excellent shots and fit the theme exceedingly well.

Have a great weekend!

jams o donnell said...

The photos are perfect for the theme, ear protection is essential. Have a great weekend

Sandra said...

Perfect choice, and a good reminder to all of us to protect our ears.

Anonymous said...

That kind of protection would be good at some of the concerts I've attended. Interesting take on the theme and I love the bumper photo.

Stop by and see mine if you have the chance.
JyLnC's Photo Hunt

Liz Hinds said...

Another great and different one on the protection theme!

TeacherJulie said...

Somebody has been to the races! :)

My PH:

bing said...

love the first photo! unique take.

Ninni said...

Snyggt! Man önskar att det överallt i världen var lika väl ordnat med arbetarskydd som det är hos oss i Norden...här brister det ofta...
Ha en skön lördag!

Hootin Anni said...

What a great choice ---both of the photos, for this week.

Here's MINE Happy Saturday to you.

Tara R. said...

Good picks for this week's theme. I could use a set of those ear muffs sometimes too.

Anonymous said...

Very good choice for the theme. :)

Tammy said...

Perfect choice for this week's PH theme!

Randi said...

Läckra bilder och en perfekt tolkning av temat!
Önskar dig en riktigt skön fortsättning på helgen!

Julie Shaw said...

Good ear protection!!!

healingmagichands said...

This is a great take on the theme. And you are so right about hearing protection. Of course, it is too late for all us old hippy rock concert attendees. . .

Blur Mommy said...

Great choice! The ear protection is definitely necessary.

Blur Mommy @Just My Rambling

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Good photos! I forgot all about ear protection!

I'm a little late with my PH this week; I'm catching up after a busy weekend. :)

Mrs. Mecomber