Aug 7, 2009

Photo Hunt - Low

Some peaks at the sea from deck 13 on a ferry boat
can show some beautiful shapes down low
as well as someone flying low for one reason or another
or a get together
and a small town can look even smaller
all though the main aim was on the beautiful clouds and how you can see the rain falling down as a thunder storm just started.


Chesney said...

Marvelous shots - these are really good!

Ron a.k.a. Danudin said...

Tammy has it, and they are not your normal sun-drenched sea shots either, good series.

YTSL said...

Wow, that last photo in particular is awe-inspiring! :)

Anonymous said...

I always run the risk of falling overboard looking at the wakes of a ship. They are mesmerizing.

Mine was a stretch. I hope you like...

jams o donnell said...

Wow great take on the theme. I love the first photo. Have a great weekend

LifeRamblings said...

great shots and nice interpretion for the theme.

annalarssonphotography said...

Great take on this theme!

Hoppas allt är bra med dig.
Jag har influensa :/

Kramar från mig

KylieM said...

Beautiful Views! Happy Photohunt!

Christi said...

These are gorgeous, I'm always trying to point out the rain falling to my kids, but I'm pretty sure they think I'm crazy. I think this photo will prove my point. Thanks for stopping by and have a blessed weekend.


Heidi said...

Looks like a fun trip! Nice use of this weeks challenging theme! Mine's up at
If you'd care to stop by!

Sandra said...

Great shots, love the first one!!

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Great viewes of "low" things.:)

Mine's up, too! I hope you can visit.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Mecomber

OHMYGUMS said...

Beutiful shot and great take on this weeks theme.
My entry here

Mudhooks said...

Silly moi! I completely forgot to add something to my post but have rectified that. Please check out my *updated* post!

Unknown said...

really love the perspective on that last one.

Carletta said...

I actually feel like I'm there looking down! Great shots.

RJ Flamingo said...

That first shot is simply awesome! Thanks for stopping by!

Carver said...

Those are beautiful shots and a great idea for the theme. Happy weekend.

Patricia said...

Nice shots and choice for the theme.

Mike said...

Very nice photos...
Have a good week end.
Thanks for your visit.

Anne said...

These are amazing shots. Your blog is very nice. Thanks for visiting mine. :)
