Jun 27, 2009

Photo Hunt - Flags

This picture is taken 30 April when students gather to celebrate spring.
On the right is the Finnish flag, the others represent different student faculties or nations or what-ever-they-are-called. A beautiful spring day that was and I managed to capture some of the flags. A difficult theme this one...


kayerj said...

cool picture and thanks for the explanation about the festivities :)

Rebecca Mecomber said...

How interesting!! I didn't know that Finns celebrated spring.

Thanks for visiting my Photo Hunt today! It was a difficult theme, I think.

Mrs. Mecomber

jams o donnell said...

A wonderful take on the theme. Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Great tribute to spring!! Thanks for stopping by.

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

I love your photo.It's very neat!
My PhotoHunt:Flags

Tara R. said...

Great shot for this week's theme.

Just Jan said...

excellent choice for today. thanks for stopping by.

jenny said...

Thank you for stopping by my site. I enjoyed your flags, too. I hope you can complete your 365 blog this year! I did it for two years ina row---2007 and 2008. I just needed a break this year, and my 365 friends were all dropping out. But maybe again sometime?? Good Luck.

srp said...

They all look so nautical in their outfits... great idea for this theme. My flags are here.

Teena in Toronto said...

Nice collection of flags!

Thanks for stopping by!

CherryPie said...

That is a cool flag photo :-)

Dragonstar said...

Beautifully colourful, and a great way to greet the spring.

JO said...


Here's mine even though it's late.